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Battery life matters

· 2 min read

As I recently posted, I bought the AirPods Max and one of the nice features there was its massive 20-hour battery life. This is actually the third device I've bought in six months where battery life has been a massive part of loving it.

It just works... finally

· 4 min read

As a lifelong Apple user - yep my parents were designers and I've never owned a PC - I've always slightly tongue-in-cheekily said that Apple products just work. And, of course, they do work pretty well.

The Other Wind - Ursula Le Guin

· 3 min read

I recently read The Other Wind by Ursula K. Le Guin. It strikes a perfect balance between the mundane aspects of real, believable human lives and exciting high magic and wonder, reminiscent of "Lord of the Rings" and other classic fantasies.

ChatGPT learns Langaf

· 10 min read

Have you ever tried to create a language from scratch? I began creating one for fun a while ago, and I've been trying to teach it to ChatGPT,. Langaf is a fictional language that is similar to English and uses a base twelve counting system.